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Siedlce Comeniological Research Bulletin

Pedagogy Series

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Dear Sir/Madam,


I would like to invite you to submit your texts to be published in Volume 6 of “Siedlce Comeniological Research Bulletin, pedagogy series”. It will be entitled Towards comeniology as a science – discussions – polemics – dilemmas. I will be delighted if you agree to take part in this discussion and encourage others to do the same. Many professors from Poland and Europe have already declared their readiness to participate in this discussion, which is so important for all of us, dealing with John Amos Comenius. The deadline for text submission is 30 June 2019.

It is a pleasure to inform you that “Siedlce Comeniological Research Bulletin, pedagogy series” has taken part in the project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Support for scientific magazines and become its beneficiary. This year the publication has been indexed in the international list of magazines  ICI Journals Master List / ICI World of Journals, and consequently, it has been awarded 20 points since 2019. We are going to use the electronic system ICI Publishers Panel to manage the magazine, which will enable us to spread the articles of Siedlce Comeniological Research Bulletin throughout the world more easily.

The articles published in all the five volumes of Siedlce Comeniological Research Bulletin can be read at the website www.comenius.uph.edu.pl. Here you will also find Editorial instructions for your texts. PLEASE HAVE A LOOK.

Yours sincerely

Barbara Sitarska

editor-in-chief of Siedlce Comeniological Research Bulletin

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Dear Authors of Siedlce Comeniological Research Bulletin

of PEDAGOGY series

I would like to express my sincere thanks for your comeniological cooperation. Your interesting and valuable papers published so far in the three volumes of Siedlce Comeniological Research Bulletin have made John Amos Comenius and his extensive writings more familiar both to the readers and other authors. They have made them aware of how up-to-date many of his views of education and ideas are. The idea of the project was to research more detailed issues present in John Amos Comenius’ writings, and make them available to the reader in a form of entries. I am fully aware of what a difficult and time-consuming task it has been. Some of the difficulties the authors have encountered were: lack of Polish translations of Comenius’ writings or studies of his writings in Polish, a language barrier due to the lack of knowledge of the original language of his writings, and finally lack of time due to the rush of daily university routine.

The papers prove an individual perception of Comenius by each of the authors, both Polish and foreign. The variety of these perceptions inspired me to design a volume entitled Modern perceptions of Comenius. We expect Polish, European and worldwide perceptions of John Amos Comenius and his writings to be submitted. In this way, we would like to enrich our comeniological knowledge with these perceptions. Gradually, an area of this knowledge would emerge which could be called “international” knowledge. That is why I would like to suggest writing a paper or papers in the author’s mother tongue (about 20 thousand signs with spaces + bibliography each; shorter or longer texts will also be accepted), accompanied by a one-page (1.200 signs with spaces) English abstract each. The best deadline for submission would be the end of April 2017. In reality, however, meeting deadlines turns out to be difficult for the authors, so they often need to be modified by the editor.

I want to invite you to take part in the creation of the following volumes. I address the letter to all authors: regular, those who have submitted at least one paper, and future ones, hoping for a good and fruitful cooperation.

                                                                                                                                             Yours faithfully

                                                                                                                                                         Barbara Sitarska


                                                                                                         of Siedlce Comeniological Research Bulletin

Siedlce, 20. 02. 2017 


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Guidelines for the authors of entries for

“ Siedlce Comeniological Journal”

“Siedlce Comeniological Journal” (“Siedleckie Zeszyty Komeniologiczne” – SZK) is the first phase of the compilation of John Amos Comenius Lexicon. The material collected and published in the journal will ultimately form the basis of the lexicon entries.

“Siedlce Comeniological Journal” is divided into two series: a) that pertaining to the study of literature and history, b) pedagogical. Professor Roman Mnich is in charge of the former and Professor Barbara Sitarska – for the latter. As the material builds up, it will be published in successive issues of the journal prior to the publication in the Lexicon with later updates and corrections.

The Lexicon will consist of three parts:

  1. Part I historical – biographical (entries with details of the life of Comenius, persons from his circle and events of his time).
  2. Part II J.A. Comenius’ works (a list of his major works with comments and bibliography as well as the most important theoretical-philosophical and pedagogical conceptions of the Czech educationist, philosopher and theologian).
  3. Part III reception and scholars (entries referring to the reception of Comenius and the most outstanding Comenius experts)

The Lexicon will include significant achievements of contemporary Comenius studies in the light of major strategies of interpretation and reception of John Amos Comenius’ works.

The lexicon entries must be submitted by January 31, 2013.

Editorial instructions

  1. Texts should be submitted via certified e-mail in Word format to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (literary-historical section), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (pedagogical section).The entries should be no longer than 15.000-20.000 characters with spaces plus bibliography (unlimited).
  2. Use 11 p. Times New Roman font and 1 p. interline spacing in the main text. Use italics for foreign words in a text.
  3. An entry can contain a quotation of no more than 200 characters in quotation marks, followed by the parenthesis note including author’s surname, date of publication and page, e.g. (Tatarkiewicz, 1978: 122). Do not use footnotes for lexicon entries.
  4. Text should be justified to the left margin (2,5 cm. margins on all sides); do not divide words at the end of lines.
  5. Do not use boldface or letter-spacing, e.g. in names in the bibliography.
  6. Titles of works should be in italics without quotation marks, titles of journals – in text font in quotation marks.
  7. Do not use abbreviations in the main text – words must be spelt out.
  8. Paragraph indentation 1.25 tab, do not use inter-paragraph spacing.
  9. Bibliography must be provided below each entry according to the instructions.
  10. Referencing a paper in a journal, the order is: Author, Title of paper, “Name of journal”, volume and issue numbers, pages of journal.
  11. For a book from a book series: Author, Title, subtitle, x edition revised and updated, xxx study, xxx translation, place of publication, date of publication, publisher, page.
  12. For joint publications provide subtitles and editors’ first names and surnames: Author, Title of paper, [in:] Title of publication, subtitle, editor, vol. x, place and date of publication, page numbers.
  13. In the main text and in bibliography write full place names, first names and surnames.
  14. Do not provide name of publisher.
  15. Append a note on the author of the entry up to several sentences long supplying information about his or her workplace, academic interests and major publications.
  16. Please conform to the following rules of dash usage:
  • the em dash (entered Alt + Ctrl + Num -) only to denote a break in a sentence;
  • the en dash (Ctrl + Num - ) used within numbers, e.g. pp. 23 - 24, 15th - 16th centuries;
  • hyphen used only in compounds such as Polish-German.